EveryChild Presents: “Healing Neen”

A Morning with Tonier Cain

EveryChild and presenting sponsor UnityPoint Health – Trinity will host Tonier “Neen” Cain, trauma survivor and trauma informed expert, on August 17, 2023 at 8:30am at the Vibrant Arena.

For two decades, Cain roamed the streets of Annapolis, Maryland, living under bridges or in prison. During that time, she dealt with constant rapes and beatings, a dangerous crack addiction, and as many as 83 arrests. In 2004, while pregnant, Cain was arrested for violating parole and given an opportunity to go to a community trauma, mental health, and addictions program.

The program gave Ms. Cain the chance to turn her life around and begin confronting and healing from her trauma.

Today, Ms. Cain is an advocate and educator, speaking all over the world on trauma, addiction, incarceration, homelessness, substance abuse and mental health. She works tirelessly to raise the awareness about trauma informed care around the world. Her work has been used as a model in other countries for the establishment of their trauma informed care protocols.

In her "Healing Neen" presentation, Tonier Cain highlights her experiences and the importance of creating a trauma-informed culture in our communities.

“We are honored to host Tonier Cain in the Quad Cities,” says Mark Mathews, EveryChild’s Executive Director. “Ms. Cain’s story is one of hope and highlights the incredible impact that one caring individual can have on another person’s healing journey. Our hope is that, in hearing Ms. Cain’s story, our community of helpers is reinvigorated to continue doing the great work they do to help families in our community thrive.”

This presentation is free and open to the community. Front-line social services, home visiting program staff, healthcare workers, mental health providers, and education professionals of all levels are highly encouraged to attend. Registration for this event is required and can be found at www.foreverychild.org/conference.

This event is made possible through the generous support of UnityPoint Health – Trinity, Scott County Regional Authority, and St. Vincent’s Home Foundation who are working together to ensure the children in our community have the foundation they need for a healthy and safe childhood.

View event flyer here.


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